Pepperstone MT4 vs MT5 Comparison
Pepperstone clients can choose between the MetaTrader 4 or MetaTrader 5 platform with MT4 more suited to forex traders with MT5 being more CFD trading focused. Compare Pepperstone MT4 vs MT5 options factoring in automation, functionality and charting facilities.

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Ask an Expert
Can I have MT4 and MT5 at the same time?
In theory, it is possible. If you wish to run the desktop version of MT4 and MT5 at the same time on the one computer, you may need install the file for each platform version in a different directory on your PC or laptop and save the file in separate destination folder. When doing the installation, make sure you do not install the file to the default location otherwise MT4 and MT5 will be in the same directory.
How many people use Pepperstone?
Pepepperstone says they are trusted by 400,000 clients worldwide.
What leverage does Pepperstone MT4 use?
This depends on what country you are trading from and what product you are trading with. In the UK, Australia, Europe and UAE – major Forex pairs can be up to 1:30 for retail traders. Other regions or for Professional traders they can be up to 1:500.